Friday, February 26, 2010

Woman dies for fucking up.

Well I was in my boxers sitting down on my ass enjoying a nice cup of moonshine and the internet guy was fixing my garbage excuse for internet connection (again) which has problems every 2 days, he mentions that some dumb broad by the name of Dawn Brancheau in SeaWorld thought she was slick and decided to play around with a ORCA by the name if Tilikum, which ended up killing her. I decided to do some research, and this is what I found out...

Tilikum is an "ORCA" which is obviously furious at the fact that he has a stupid name, that a woman was harasses him repeatedly and that he is forced to perform on a daily basis for a bunch of loud and selfish kids that want to enjoy the pleasure of watching it do stupid tricks so they can ridicule and laugh at him, I find this enough to drive anything with the capacity to think and reason to the point of insanity.

Whats a ORCA you ask? Well to you retards that don't know anything, A Orca is a black and white predatory whale (Orcinus orca) that feeds on large fish, squid, and sometimes dolphins and seals. Also called known as a "Killer Whale".

Tilikum was captured at the age of two, by a bunch of assholes near Iceland in November 1983 who were hungry but pussed out and decided not to eat him, so they sent him to the Sealand in the Pacific near British Colombia with two other female Orcas until 1992. Tilikum was then sent to SeaWorld. (he was already furious at the fact he was captured) Tilikum was involved in two incidents before his 2010 incident.

First incident, in 1991 he and two other whales killed some "woman" trainer.

Second Incident, in July 6, 1999 some 27 year old fuck stick (probably some animal rights activist trying to bust him out) decided to hang out with Tilikum, apparently he was found dead floating around in his tank NAKED due to a combination of hypothermia and drowning and had a bite from Tilikum.

First of all, if I was Tilikum and some douche bag decided to hop in my tank NAKED whenever I had time alone from all the trash I had to put up with from immature kids being around, I would have slaughtered him right when he jumped in.

So you have to imagine that after this he felt he even had no privacy which changed his uncalm mental status to a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode.

And what do you know on February 24th, 2010 Tilikum was involved in a THIRD incident at this point Tilikum said fuck it, he was tired of all the psychological abuse he had to put up with from these assholes, so he decided to take matters into his own hands and declares war, so the 40-year-old Dawn Brancheau decides to make him look like a clown so everyone could laugh at him, when Dawn got in the tank it was all game, the greatest battle in SeaWorld history was about to happen.

Tilikum Grabs Dawn, Dawn quickly realizes whats happening and punches Tilikum right in the tongue, Tilikum comes back with his signature move "The Fin slap", Dawn counters "The Fin slap" with her elbow, punches Tilikum in the eye, and grabs Tilikum and begins to wrestle him into submission by applying force on his fin, Tilikum seems like he might be loosing the battle, so he quickly begins thrashing her, Dawn seeing her signature move "The biting technique" as the only way to defeat her opponent, she bites down hard, but Tilikum was already expecting this, so he then pulls unnecessary strength out of his ass and counters her with his Finisher "The Orca Slam" throws her up in the air and body slams her followed by "The drown", thus Tilikum achieving a crushing(Literally) victory over Dawn... At least two dozen shocked tourists looked on from above the whale tank and from an underwater viewing area.

After the autopsy Dawn was identified to have had Traumatic Injuries due to a serious ass beating, and now Tilikum is hated by people everywhere around the world, so he might actually know how OJ Simpson feels.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Power Rangers.

Who are the Power Rangers you ask?

The best show that had the best opening theme song in the history of kid shows, it was so awesome to the point where when I heard the theme song I got up and started throwing ninja kicks and punches in the air believing I was a Power Ranger. The theme song had sick ass guitar riffs guitars, people chanting the chorus, and scenes of the Power rangers kicking ass and all that stuff!!

These colorful ass kicking rangers don't put up with the ridiculous monsters summoned by the pissed off old hag by the name of Rita Repulsa, during the show she was actually going through Menopause which is why she was always angry(true fact), that pretty much sums up what the Power Rangers represented back in the day.

These are the real Rangers, not those pussy new Rangers you got on TV now days.

Jason the Red ranger, which is the main man, he pretty much tells everyone what to do.

Billy the Blue ranger, he's the geeky wuss that pretty much sums him up.

Zack the Black ranger, what can I say? You got to have the token black guy and coincidently he wears a black ninja suit.

Kimberly the Pink ranger, she's just hot I'd substitute her gynecologist for myself any day.

Trini the Yellow ranger, which also coincidently Chinese and wears yellow ninja suit.

Well actually summing it up the two "chick" rangers didn't really do anything other then being kept in check by the Red ranger, so actually this show teaches children at a young age that women are useless.

Zordon...No one really cared for him.

I don't care about Tommy the Green ranger, (with his stupid flute) I hated his guts he took the leader role away from the Red Ranger, which I personally found to be bullshit and also took extreme offense to the fact that Kimberly had a crush on his fake ass, what kind of man has a ponytail?

The Dinozoids were kick ass! You got a Triceratops, Pterodactyl, Mastodon, Sabretooth tiger and a Tyrannosaurus Rex, like when I first saw the T-Rex I almost shit my pants, they were all roaring demonstrating how bad ass they were!! Oh yea I forgot the Dragonzord *cough*....Anyways lets move on.

When they all got pissed they would all combine into tank mode for a temporary moment(most times they would skip tanking) just before going into battle mode and turning into the FUCKING MEGAZORD, the T-Rex forms the upper torso and the head, the Mastodon would form the shoulders, arms and the back, the Triceratops forms the left leg and Sabertooth forms the right leg and Pteradyctol forms the chest plate, the rangers would control this ass kicking contraption from the head.

But if you actually think about it each Dinozord has a hidden meaning, the Yellow Ranger (woman) for a leg, which if you think about it means it steps on women, meaning women are meant to be treated like dirt, the Blue Ranger is used for his other leg cause he's a wuss, the Pink Ranger which is using for chest plate like a scapegoat, women should be used as scapegoats, the Black Ranger is used to signify that black people everywhere used to be slaves thus them being the hands and shoulders....And the T-rex....Tells everyone what to do like a real mans suppose to do.

Mind you the green rangers Dragonzord is a ridiculous copy of Godzilla, and another thing how can you consider a Dragonzord awesome if it's called in to fight by a fucking flute? To make matters worse the song played by the flute is also stupid! If the song was okay it'd be a bit more acceptable, but no! The green ranger sucks, the flute sucks and the Dragonzord sucks! Did I mention ponytails are gay?

Concluding this discussion, the first Power Rangers were the best! Not the new garbage that's come out, which is ridiculously pathetic, like the Power Rangers Mystic force what the fuck is that? It looks like a mix of Harry Potter and Teen Titans which is really homosexual! Power Rangers don't stand up for what they did before like back then, when they used to put women down. All these new Power Rangers are just too crappy, watching it is like having to take a shit desperately to the point where it feels like you're intestines are going to rupture, but instead of giving you the courtesy of comforting evacuation, you're surprised with the sensation of a burning sphincter, and there's nothing you can do about it. I guess its with the way kids are raised these days, everything they like is top notch garbage, they don't know anything, the only thing they know how to do properly is piss and moan, their both intolerable and I hate them both !

I'll also mention I played the game it was craptacular goodness, all I wanted to do was get to the Megazords monster fight, and that was just pitiful, they even managed to fuck up the theme song...The game sucked ass, enough said.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Stupid kids and their stupid "SWAG".

You know whats worse then having to walk around under the constant heat of the sun that deliberately tries to piss you off? Walking to the grocery store to buy me a mean bottle of liquor and seeing some punk bastard fuck walking around thinking he's "a real man", because he has "SWAG". The problem is real men don't use "SWAG", real men have boners, hair on their chest and slap women/children around.

Hardy boy, what is "SWAG" ?
SWAG: The new style which plagues everyday mainstream society with uneducated kids ranging from 6 to 20 years old(in some other cases till 30) and having them believe they are "gangsters". (Did I ever mention I hate kids?)

How do you acquire "SWAG" you ask? It's simple limp around on one leg doesn't matter which, if you don't understand just imitate someone on the verge of a heat stroke, try have you're pants lower then you're waist to show everyone you're "SUPER COOL" BEETLE BORGS underwear (Power Rangers would have been a lot better), have a belt on not too keep you're pants up but to just have one on, make sure to have a ridiculously large belt buckle to make up for you're amazingly small penis, wear a hat(preferably a New York Yankees) to the side doesn't matter what kind of hat it is but what matters is having it to the side so you look like a retard and make sure to change you're tone of voice/accent to show everyone you're from a slum, cause remember, being from a slum where drugs, robberies and killings are normal in you're everyday life is something you're suppose to be proud of.

While he's thinking he's the "HARDEST"mother fucker around , I'am on the verge of smashing his face in with my fist followed by a round house kick to the chin (courtesy of Chuck Norris), and since I'am a reasonable man I would then explain to him why he now has to refer to me as the Mr. School Bus Driver, due to him being schooled by me(like other countless individuals).

Then again he wouldn't understand, cause if you have "SWAG" obviously school is for nerds and losers. Thinking about it who's to blame? The parents that's who, for not smacking the shit out of their children, look what society has for the future, a bunch a selfish kids who listen to "Lil' Wayne" think they deserve everything, fail at school and at the same time all want to be hard and speak Ebonics, what the hell is with Ebonics anyways? Whats with people thinking its an actual language?

Ebonics is a term that was originally intended and sometimes used for the language of all, or that of the Black North American people; since 1996 it has been largely used to refer to African American Vernacular English (distinctively nonstandard black United States English), asserting the independence of this from (standard) English. Ebonics derives its form from ebony (black) and phonics (sound, the study of sound) and refers to the study of the language of black people in all its cultural uniqueness.
When did screwing up a proper language, turn into cultural uniqueness?

This video proves what Ebonics does to people, turns them into dimwits like this douche. It's sad the kind of people that are allowed to live in the U.S.

What I believe is...Hold on excuse me, what I KNOW is, its caused by a bunch of people who are too stupid/lazy to teach their children proper English, and hence the ridiculous Ebonics term, news flash assholes you're in America and being in America means you either speak a proper language or get the fuck out!! That's what happens when you let stupid people raise children (its bad enough children are already annoying as hell)), they fill their head with stupidity, and they grow up believing that stupidity is okay, well look here IT'S NOT OKAY to sound like you have down syndrome and IT'S NOT OKAY to chop up a proper language that has its roots since the 5th century A.D.!

Regardless in the end look what "SWAG" has done, it has compiled up to a huge catastrophe that even surpasses Haiti's recent encounter with Gods immature wrath (earthquake), I'am done with this shit, the next person I hear speaking Ebonics is gonna get their back broken BY ME and referred to a English Lesson Plans(ESL) personally BY ME.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Women are stupid and disrespectful.

Yes women are stupid and should be beat relentlessly, for being so stupid, they should just learn to shut the fuck up.
I was smoking a cigarette outside this morning without a shirt on and listening to music that degrades women, and this old hag with braids in her hair walks by with her stupid dog and she just keeps staring at me, so I got pissed and told her to fuck off, but being a woman that she is she decides to come up and start yelling at me, so I got pissed (again), burned her eye with my cigarette, kicked her in the stomach and kicked the shit out of her dog, then she started crying, her obese daughter (who was probably in her period) decides to come out and start doing what women do best BITCH and she then proceeds to try and hit me with her broom stick, right there I thought "Bad idea tramp" I dodged the broom stick and countered with a round house kick to the back of her head and knocked her out, then I grabbed the broom stick and smashed her back with it, then I continued to kick her face to see if she was knocked out for real (she was), then some old douche bag came by and saw what I was doing, he poked me with his cane and told me I was going to burn hell for what I did, I snapped his cane, did my evil laugh and I choke slammed him, I sure showed them. Thinking about it, all of this could have been avoided if women learned to keep their mouth shut! Regardless it was still awesome.