Well I was in my boxers sitting down on my ass enjoying a nice cup of moonshine and the internet guy was fixing my garbage excuse for internet connection (again) which has problems every 2 days, he mentions that some dumb broad by the name of Dawn Brancheau in SeaWorld thought she was slick and decided to play around with a ORCA by the name if Tilikum, which ended up killing her. I decided to do some research, and this is what I found out...
Tilikum is an "ORCA" which is obviously furious at the fact that he has a stupid name, that a woman was harasses him repeatedly and that he is forced to perform on a daily basis for a bunch of loud and selfish kids that want to enjoy the pleasure of watching it do stupid tricks so they can ridicule and laugh at him, I find this enough to drive anything with the capacity to think and reason to the point of insanity.
Whats a ORCA you ask? Well to you retards that don't know anything, A Orca is a black and white predatory whale (Orcinus orca) that feeds on large fish, squid, and sometimes dolphins and seals. Also called known as a "Killer Whale".

Tilikum was captured at the age of two, by a bunch of assholes near Iceland in November 1983 who were hungry but pussed out and decided not to eat him, so they sent him to the Sealand in the Pacific near British Colombia with two other female Orcas until 1992. Tilikum was then sent to SeaWorld. (he was already furious at the fact he was captured) Tilikum was involved in two incidents before his 2010 incident.
First incident, in 1991 he and two other whales killed some "woman" trainer.
Second Incident, in July 6, 1999 some 27 year old fuck stick (probably some animal rights activist trying to bust him out) decided to hang out with Tilikum, apparently he was found dead floating around in his tank NAKED due to a combination of hypothermia and drowning and had a bite from Tilikum.
First of all, if I was Tilikum and some douche bag decided to hop in my tank NAKED whenever I had time alone from all the trash I had to put up with from immature kids being around, I would have slaughtered him right when he jumped in.
So you have to imagine that after this he felt he even had no privacy which changed his uncalm mental status to a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode.
And what do you know on February 24th, 2010 Tilikum was involved in a THIRD incident at this point Tilikum said fuck it, he was tired of all the psychological abuse he had to put up with from these assholes, so he decided to take matters into his own hands and declares war, so the 40-year-old Dawn Brancheau decides to make him look like a clown so everyone could laugh at him, when Dawn got in the tank it was all game, the greatest battle in SeaWorld history was about to happen.

Tilikum Grabs Dawn, Dawn quickly realizes whats happening and punches Tilikum right in the tongue, Tilikum comes back with his signature move "The Fin slap", Dawn counters "The Fin slap" with her elbow, punches Tilikum in the eye, and grabs Tilikum and begins to wrestle him into submission by applying force on his fin, Tilikum seems like he might be loosing the battle, so he quickly begins thrashing her, Dawn seeing her signature move "The biting technique" as the only way to defeat her opponent, she bites down hard, but Tilikum was already expecting this, so he then pulls unnecessary strength out of his ass and counters her with his Finisher "The Orca Slam" throws her up in the air and body slams her followed by "The drown", thus Tilikum achieving a crushing(Literally) victory over Dawn... At least two dozen shocked tourists looked on from above the whale tank and from an underwater viewing area.

After the autopsy Dawn was identified to have had Traumatic Injuries due to a serious ass beating, and now Tilikum is hated by people everywhere around the world, so he might actually know how OJ Simpson feels.
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