The best show that had the best opening theme song in the history of kid shows, it was so awesome to the point where when I heard the theme song I got up and started throwing ninja kicks and punches in the air believing I was a Power Ranger. The theme song had sick ass guitar riffs guitars, people chanting the chorus, and scenes of the Power rangers kicking ass and all that stuff!!

These colorful ass kicking rangers don't put up with the ridiculous monsters summoned by the pissed off old hag by the name of Rita Repulsa, during the show she was actually going through Menopause which is why she was always angry(true fact), that pretty much sums up what the Power Rangers represented back in the day.
These are the real Rangers, not those pussy new Rangers you got on TV now days.
Jason the Red ranger, which is the main man, he pretty much tells everyone what to do.
Billy the Blue ranger, he's the geeky wuss that pretty much sums him up.
Zack the Black ranger, what can I say? You got to have the token black guy and coincidently he wears a black ninja suit.
Kimberly the Pink ranger, she's just hot I'd substitute her gynecologist for myself any day.
Trini the Yellow ranger, which also coincidently Chinese and wears yellow ninja suit.
Well actually summing it up the two "chick" rangers didn't really do anything other then being kept in check by the Red ranger, so actually this show teaches children at a young age that women are useless.
Zordon...No one really cared for him.
I don't care about Tommy the Green ranger, (with his stupid flute) I hated his guts he took the leader role away from the Red Ranger, which I personally found to be bullshit and also took extreme offense to the fact that Kimberly had a crush on his fake ass, what kind of man has a ponytail?

The Dinozoids were kick ass! You got a Triceratops, Pterodactyl, Mastodon, Sabretooth tiger and a Tyrannosaurus Rex, like when I first saw the T-Rex I almost shit my pants, they were all roaring demonstrating how bad ass they were!! Oh yea I forgot the Dragonzord *cough*....Anyways lets move on.

When they all got pissed they would all combine into tank mode for a temporary moment(most times they would skip tanking) just before going into battle mode and turning into the FUCKING MEGAZORD, the T-Rex forms the upper torso and the head, the Mastodon would form the shoulders, arms and the back, the Triceratops forms the left leg and Sabertooth forms the right leg and Pteradyctol forms the chest plate, the rangers would control this ass kicking contraption from the head.
But if you actually think about it each Dinozord has a hidden meaning, the Yellow Ranger (woman) for a leg, which if you think about it means it steps on women, meaning women are meant to be treated like dirt, the Blue Ranger is used for his other leg cause he's a wuss, the Pink Ranger which is using for chest plate like a scapegoat, women should be used as scapegoats, the Black Ranger is used to signify that black people everywhere used to be slaves thus them being the hands and shoulders....And the T-rex....Tells everyone what to do like a real mans suppose to do.

Concluding this discussion, the first Power Rangers were the best! Not the new garbage that's come out, which is ridiculously pathetic, like the Power Rangers Mystic force what the fuck is that? It looks like a mix of Harry Potter and Teen Titans which is really homosexual! Power Rangers don't stand up for what they did before like back then, when they used to put women down. All these new Power Rangers are just too crappy, watching it is like having to take a shit desperately to the point where it feels like you're intestines are going to rupture, but instead of giving you the courtesy of comforting evacuation, you're surprised with the sensation of a burning sphincter, and there's nothing you can do about it. I guess its with the way kids are raised these days, everything they like is top notch garbage, they don't know anything, the only thing they know how to do properly is piss and moan, their both intolerable and I hate them both !

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