I remember back in my day when I used to go to High school, and I'd pass by the elementary school and see all the little punk kindergartner fucks yelling, disrespecting, laughing, making stupid jokes, stupid drawings, asking stupid questions all the time, shitting themselves and crying whenever they break something, what pissed me off the most was that the little boys they thought they were fucking gangsters(God I wanted to kick so many in the mouth so bad) and the little girls who dress up like prostitutes in their stupid girl scout uniforms, I always told myself God dammit someone has to fuck these kids up someone has to put the law down on them, I mean who the fuck do they think they are jumping around, arguing, asking for shit like they actually have an actual importance in life?

When I have a kid hes gonna watch movies like Gran Torino! Clint Eastwood is a bad ass!! He doesn't give a fuck, even when he was invited over to the Asian peoples he sat down stuffed his manly ass!! Plus he's always pissed and he doesn't even have to talk the fucker just grunts all the damn time, that's a fucker you know has a pair of nuts even in his throat!! On a side note, if you haven't seen Gran Torino and you're a man YOU ARE WRONG!!

Schools gotta change its getting worse and kids are getting more annoying and stupid!! And I am getting pissed!!! So I've came up with a way to make kids more attentive in class instead of that happy bullshit, do whatever you want in class garbage!!! My way would benefit those kinder bastards and the parents. This is America and if you're retarded! You don't belong here!! My way is if you get answers wrong the consequences are extreme punishment ranging from an old fashion ass kicking to a slap in the face with cacti this way they learn how to stop being such dumb asses and do something with their lives. Hell lets go the whole nine yards!!! Everyday in school is a special day!!
Monday= Smashed in the face with a 2x4 day
Tuesday= Punch in the nose day
Wednesday= Pile driver day
Thursday= Kick in the stomach followed by the Stone Cold stunner day
Friday= Slapped in the face by mexican with cacti day
If your a responsible parent you'll extend this through out the weekend also, even though most of you won't do it thought cause your irresponsible.
Saturday= Rock bottom followed by the Captains elbow <--- Yes I said it the Captains elbow.
Sunday= The power bomb
Yea this will teach those little fuckers your not playing around, and teach them some respect like I said we only need good hard working men(women are not important) in our American society, not retards who piss and moan all the time, so if you're gonna sit there and not take care of you're little bastards so they can end up pissing me off, you might as well abort the fucker, cause if your gonna be irresponsible, I got 3 words for you FUCK THAT SHIT!!
I am right and if you don't agree you are wrong!
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