This particular unorganized piece of shit excuse of a racist group called the KKK ( Kool Kids Klub) was founded in the southern states after the civil war, by a bunch of disgruntled rednecks with no ability to rationalize or come to civil terms, with anyone or anything, even though they talk a big game about killing homosexuals, niggers, spics, jews and gooks they hide themselves with white robes and cone shaped masks( Gee nice Klown halloween outfits jackasses) that makes them look utterly stupid, not to mention the useless burning of their stupid cross, I would think burning the cross would piss off Jesus or some shit.
Anyways I had a opportunity to interview some Klowns. Heres how it went.
Hardy boy- Good afternoon, how are you all doing today?
KKK #1- We doin gret!! gittin out ov our trailurs and showin the white people th-
Hardy boy- uh okay?
KKK #1- dat's wat it all bout! da what power!
Hardy boy- So how does your club help out the community?
KKK #2- WAT KLUB!!?!?!
Hardy boy- um sorry "you're Klan"
KKK #1-......Well...We
Hardy boy- Well?
KKK #3- *Stupid look on his face*
Hardy boy- You guys don't do anything, do you?
KKK #3- Oh, we burn dem krosses made out dem stiks..Yea dats wat we do.
Hardy boy- Okay, But what does that do for the community?
KKK-#4- Shin dig kid lookin al dem litle boy wakin round!!!
Hardy boy- What the fuck did you just say?
KKK #1- he say we burn dem krosses on dem stiks an dem litle kid walk up to dem an open arms to side.
Hardy boy- Okay fucktard, but why do you burn the crosses?
KKK #2- So Dey burn *laugh*
Hardy boy- Dude are you fucking serious?
KKK #2-....Yes?
Hardy boy-Wow...Well folks that's all we have for tod-
Hardy boy-.....Fuck this....
Through out the years the KKK has deteriorated into several groups of scattered clans that behave more like cavemen then human still composing of disgruntled rednecks with an even lesser ability to rationalize or be civil, but by seeing the way they represent their little social club now days their also most likely even dumber and contain no decency.
This is the thing tha

t pisses me off, these mother fuckers walk around without a shirt on, drag a rifle around have no education, complain about not having jobs, married to fat slobs, drink cheap beer and smoke shitty cigarettes look...Unintelligence, cheap beer and shitty cigarettes(mind you these cheap substances lessen hormone growth) is against the "UNIFORM CODE OF MANLY CONDUCT''.
So is there anything else can I say about these losers? Oh yea their organization is garbage and no one wants to associate themselves with you're kind of retard class of brethren, I'd rather join the G.I. Joe fan club at least they blow shit up and kick ass, I mean look at Snake Eyes that guy is so hardcore he doesn't even talk he lets his humongous penis and kick ass samurai sword do the talking the Uzi's just for style he doesn't use it, I've been asked to join the fan club countless times, but the only fan club I am in is mine "The Hardy Boy society for real men hairy chested men who smoke, drink and beat their wives".

Neo-Nazis are groups that have the same fundamentals as the KKK, but I would consider them the bitches that's if I was to compare the KKK and Neo-Nazis together, Imagine a bunch of Klowns (KKK's) that shave their heads, wear boots with colorful shoe laces, suspenders, yell Heil Hitler constantly, mosh like a bunch a fags and think they know everything about the "Third Reich" and "Hitler"(but dont know where skin heads originated) these particular racist groups fight against one another even though all Neo-Nazi groups 'have the same ignorant beliefs but obviuosly their behavior contradicts what they say, what a bunch of fucking morons.

Another thing, what kind of man wears spandex, tight pants and is proud? That's just fucking retarded these two groups are retarded and concidently they both have a pretty low sense for fashion (not that I care for fashion), I would also like to add anyone associated with these two Klubs is also retarded, just like those fucking idiot skin heads that got caught trying to assassinate Obama, how the fuck do you think of driving towards a police barricade when your armed to the teeth with rifles? Oh wait I know, the most likely cause for their stupid action was based on the fact that they were on meth...Nice job representing your "Aryan brothers" dimwits.

On another occasion I had the rare opportunity to have a interview with dumb fuck Tharin Gartrell (homo in the pic), the man who plotted the pathetic failed attempt on Barack Obamas life.
Hardy boy- Hey how are you doing today Tharin?
Tharin- I am doin mity fine
Hardy boy- I came here today to ask you some questions, is that ok?
Tharin-...Sure I guess, why not?
Hardy boy- What do you think of the KKK?
Tharin- Dey a bunch of ignorant trailer trash gypsies!
Hardy boy- And I understand you hate "spics"?
Tharin- Heck ye!
Hardy boy- Why?
Tharin- Cause dey all in gangs, sell drugs and do drugs and kill people!! and take our all our jobs!!
Hardy boy- I don't think you'd get accepted any where after what you pulled "Slugger".
Tharin- Huh?
Hardy boy- Nothing, Why do you hate black people?
Tharin- Same thang as spics, gangs are stupid!!
Hardy boy- Yea but...Aren't skin heads considered a gang? And you fight amongst each other.
Tharin-.....Yea but we securing a future for our what children
Hardy boy- You know what, you're right by being caught in a rented truck-
Tharin- Oh yea I was driving like in a pretty erratic manner *smile*
Hardy boy-...Meanwhile plotting to kill the now president Obama while high on meth is a good way to secure the future of your children, nice FUCKING job "Frank" you pulled a good stunt there.
Tharin-.......(Stares down)
Hardy boy- Not only did u fail, your actions were also stupid...I don't think Hitler likes stupid people, with poor ways of executing plans.
Tharin- Mein Fuhrer I am sorry...* Hitler salute*
Hardy boy- God your a fucking pussy, were done dip shit.
Conclusion, what can I say? Well...I think hating people for their skin color is fucking stupid, you basically blame all your problems in society on a person with a different skin color, while you don't look at yourself and see the problems your causing to other people by being in a stupid Klub where you either shave your heads or wear stupid costumes, basically doing the same shit your complaining about, I hate people who are stupid, stupid people piss me off, because their stupid, and stupid people do stupid things period.
People+Stupidity-Intelligence= Hardy boy getting pissed off and having to kick some major ass.
I am right and if you don't agree, you're wrong.