So for a few years I've heard the ruckus about many people having Xbox's fuck up and I'll tell you what, it gives me a warm feeling inside when I hear someone complaining about how their 360 decides to not work anymore cause its a piece of shit and whats funny is you believe it's not going to happen to you, but there comes a time when the Xbox you own fuck up and that's some fucking bullshit and when its multiple 360's you already decide to give in and just keep buying them because the addiction to Xbox gaming is transformed into something evil, which makes you keep on buying new consoles even if your warranty expired which if it came to that you would be fucked...And don't rely on hoping your friend let's you borrow a 360 it's not gonna happen, cause anyone who does is fucking crazy and shouldn't own a 360.

I on the other hand have had 3 fuck up...And yes I'am going to get another one, but don't be quick to judge for I have decided, instead of throwing away my damaged 360 out of pure spite, I asked myself....How could this 360 still be useful...Then I realized!!! I can send my 360 to people who don't have alot of money!!! I decided to donate my Xbox 360 to Mexicans in Laredo, Texas so they can pimp out their super cool Low riders/Pickup trucks with the remaining spare Xbox 360 parts.
The feeling of donation is a pretty one, I will be remembered in the minds of every Mexicans every where, VIVA MEXICO, VIVA LA RAZA and most of all, VIVA HARDY BOY.
Still in the end these are a few things that stare me right in the face, when I think about Microsoft...

#1 Why the fuck would you sell defective console? Cause you are a greedy son of a bitch.
#2 If you sell defective consoles you are a asshole.
#3 If you sell defective consoles which are addicting, you have no soul.
#4 If you sell defective consoles which are lame, you are a fucking dumb ass.
Bill number 1, 2 and 3 are referring to you, which means you are considered a greedy son of a bitch an asshole who has no soul for your evil essence denies the capability of housing a soul, number 4 is not referring to you, so you are not a fucking dumb ass for selling non-lame, defective, addictive consoles...
Defective why? 68 out of 100 Xbox 360's are defective which if you round it up it means their all defective...
Why addictive? I don't know other then it being fun, the only other possible explanation I have is you are subliminally being injected crack into our heads without us knowing....

So the end result is you leave us wanting more than a premature born crack baby crying for his mothers crack pipe instead of her tit. Fuck you.
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