I sat down one day and I asked myself, why are females so troubling? As I pondered for a moment, it hit me! I finally realized it!! I just thought about all the problems and it so happens that "ALL" problems are obviously caused by females and some by children but children come from females so its all their fault anyways.

Since the beginning of time, Eve in the Garden of Eden thought it would be smart to eat the "Apple of knowledge" ERRR WRONG DUMB ASS!
Eve being the first female in existence, disobeys a simple order, gets caught in the act and also manages to get Adam in trouble by forcing him to eat the fruit(what a fuck load of bullshit), this apple incident just proves that women are disobedient and only care about themselves. It's funny how the first mistake was caused by a female, that alone shows females shouldn't be allowed/trusted to perform simple tasks.
(Reports say God did this on purpose so he wouldn't have to deal with women directly)
We can also prove the female Egyptian Cleopatra caused a real man some serious problems, I mean just look at what she did to poor guy Julius Cesar, she clouded his judgment and he did everything she wanted which clearly deteriorated the plan (world domination) he had so viciously devised. If only Julius would have realized what a sniveling pest she was, he would have just grabbed her by the chest and slapped her around a few times, that would have put her in her place.

Another one, in a time not so long ago in a place very far away, Nov 20, 2008 NASA decides to let a female by the name of "Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper" into space, whilst being in space she loses tools in a mission and has the nerve to call this a minor hiccup, god damn you, if she would have just said "I fucked up" I wouldn't hate her so much, but she probably did it out of spite, after that Mission Control had to waste unnecessary time analyzing the hazard of her losing her tool bag and how it would affect the next three space walks...What a fucking bitch...Regardless NASA should have realized what a woman with her name completely stood for.
If you have a good understanding of Physics and Math you can easily interpret her name >Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, I've taken the liberty of showing everyone the equation 0+8=R 8+2=E 10+2=T 12+3=A 15+11=R 26-22=D, and the next step is to simplify the Math problem and BOOM! What a surprise the results are RETARD, if NASA would have done this, a MAJOR FUCK UP (not a hiccup) would have been avoided.
Did I mention women never admit their wrong? They decide to make bad choices simply to piss us off and if we say anything about it, they use the first skill imposed to them by their mothers at a young age, which happens to be yapping.
#1 They start complaining, which in turn categorizes them as a bitch (nowadays it's cool to be a bitch) which in turn pisses off us men with their feminist rights bullshit, then they hit the guy with a frying pan.
(This happens repetitively over a period of a few months)
#2 Man explodes from constant verbal abuse wife makes him put up with on a daily basis, which includes physical abuse.
#3 So the male sucker punches her in the face but miraculously she keeps talking garbage and is now making threats.
#4 Continues to piss and moan and calls the police.
#5 Police arrive and take the females side after she offered them sex.
#6 Finally guy snaps pulls out his pistol starts shooting at the cops, and yelling at the top of his lungs, THIS IS MY FAMILY!!! THIS IS MY HOUSE!!! So at this moment, not only do the police think he's fucking crazy, the whole block thinks he's fucking crazy, which ends up destroying his social life all because of one female, but its not over yet.

After that, they take the kids away which screws the man with child support meanwhile she's fucking some other guy, and tells her kids that the dads a piece of shit and that he doesn't don't care about them...Which actually is probably good, who wants kids anyways? The only bad thing is paying child support.
In scientific terms, an asshole is almost the equivalent to a bitch, but a bitch does excessive yapping which can only be calmed by properly administering an ass kicking, but thanks to all congressman, legislators and all those fake men in office who let themselves be manipulated by females, simply beating a female is out of the question.
So now you have to mix kicking ass with intimidation, if there's no intimidation she'll call the police and you'll just end up looking like a pussy in front of the police and that's just sad, let alone that being sent to court is an automatic loss for men all around the world, why you ask?
#1 If the judge is a guy, she's gonna screw the Judge to fuck you over.
#2 The judge is a woman and simply wants to fuck you over for the hell of it.
I mean come on Frank! Just think, think for one second, all of this happened not because you can't control yourself, but because a female pushed you to the limit and you reacted. So in turn women fuck everything up.