#2 It's gross
#3 It makes me fucking sick
Yes I didn't ment
ion health hazards cause I obviously don't care about fat peoples health in general, but what I do give a shit about is walking through the mall minding my own fucking business and seeing a fat whale, fighting his way to make it to a Mcdonalds just because he's hungry it makes me sick. Did he ever think to himself "Hey I'am pretty fucking fat maybe I should stop eating this processed garbage and loose some goddamn weight". Well obviously not, cause he's not doing a good job at it and Mcdonalds ain't gonna help either.
#3 It makes me fucking sick
Yes I didn't ment

One perfect example is on one specific day when I was on my way to work with a friend back in 2007(Doing something manly protecting this country), While my friends driving his truck we see one of his fat hippo home girls, him being a non-manly vagina he offers this abomination a ride, the answer we received is something that scarred my life....I will never forget this..This is how it went.
Hardy boy- So? Forget about her she's fat, she needs to walk.
Unmanly Friend- No that's mean...My mother taught me betterHardy Boy-...Wow you actually listen to the bullshit that woman spits out?
*Unmanly Friend courteously pulls over*
Unmanly Friend- Hey need a ride?
Hardy boy- *mouth wide open* (I was in shock..I could not believe what I had heard)
Unmanly Friend- Oh..Okay.After that scene we had to confirm what we had heard, and we confirmed it alright. She was doing exercise so when she finished she could slam down a couple of Big Macs and restore her calorie level to its dangerously high mark, talk about being on a strict calorie intake diet. The point is if your doing exercise why in the fuck would you go to a Mcdonalds to stuff you're fat ass? Thats just completely destroying any reason you were doing exercise for in the first place.

You know what I feel good today, so I'am gonna give "FAT WOMEN" some fashion tips, first of all, remember you're fat don't wear tight clothing, you don't look hot or sexy, you look gross, and no one wants to look at you PERIOD, and if they look at you (and you think you're hot) it's not because you're hot it's because people are SHOCKED at how you have the guts to wear something that shows off you're bread rolls, kinda like the movie SAW, people don't watch it cause it's pretty, they watch it cause it's disgusting and so are you.

(I don't mention daughter, cause once I notice it doesn't have a penis I'd get rid of it)
Hardy Boy- Hey you fat fuck you're 4 pounds overweight!
Son- I'am sorry dad...
Hardy Boy- Oh now you're calling me sorry!?!? You're the one who's fat, fatty! Look at you, I'am ashamed to walk down the street with you cause you're so disgustingly fat, fatty mc fat fat, you can't even see you're own penis you're a disgrace!

Then I'd knee him 4 times in the face for the 4 pounds he was over, and tell him its Mcdonalds fault. And instruct him to start bulimic exercises, fuck all that vegetable crap that doesn't do shit (like explained before). But like I said, it's all Mcdonalds fault, for having such shitty food to offer the American public, but then again you're the dumb asses who eat that crap.
So what did we learn?
That mcdonalds is garbage
And fat people can not be sexy, but can be disgusting!
Hardy Boy- Hey you fat fuck you're 4 pounds overweight!
Son- I'am sorry dad...
Hardy Boy- Oh now you're calling me sorry!?!? You're the one who's fat, fatty! Look at you, I'am ashamed to walk down the street with you cause you're so disgustingly fat, fatty mc fat fat, you can't even see you're own penis you're a disgrace!

Then I'd knee him 4 times in the face for the 4 pounds he was over, and tell him its Mcdonalds fault. And instruct him to start bulimic exercises, fuck all that vegetable crap that doesn't do shit (like explained before). But like I said, it's all Mcdonalds fault, for having such shitty food to offer the American public, but then again you're the dumb asses who eat that crap.
So what did we learn?
That mcdonalds is garbage
And fat people can not be sexy, but can be disgusting!