You ever gone out to the store and you see some pregnant bitch bitching about being pregnant? Why do women have to complain about everything? Even about being pregnant, maybe if you were gonna complain about being pregnant you shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place ever thought about that? NO! Because you're a woman! And women always want to have something to complain about! From periods, to real men having a manly time and pounding down a couple of beers, to watching a manly sports game, women always bitch about something it's ridiculous, In a woman's mentality it's always about ME, stop being a selfish bitch and get over the fact that you're a woman and you women are mediocre that's why YOU get pregnant and men don't, cause men have to do all the important work from kicking ass to beating the shit out of women who THINK they are important.

I understand being pregnant is DISGUSTING because it's like having a basketball stuck on you that sucks life giving nutrients from you're body, But women think that since they made the choice of getting stuck with a parasite for 9 months that ultimately gives them the right to skip everyone in line, well dumb ass you wanted to get pregnant so suck it up, if you can't deal with it then take a premature shit and get rid of it, Or else if you're a man be a mans man and take the matter into you're own hands "Hey baby I got you a plane ticket"Really wheres the flight going to? "THE FLIGHTS GOING DOWN THE STAIRS BITCH! *CRACK*" Right there I just took care of 2 problems.
Problem number 1- You complaining and pissing me off.
Problem number 2- You complaining and pissing me off, again.

Women get pregnant cause their suppose take care of the fetus growing inside of them, that's why you get pregnant, you don't see men complaining about getting women pregnant, but women complain about being pregnant and having periods all the fucking time, it sucks deal with it, men have to deal with women it sucks but we suck it up.
Simply put, I don't put up with that pregnancy drama, you're gonna complain? Well let's take a trip to my abortion clinic (staircase), hows that? Plus it'll save me from paying child support if you go stupid crazy one day.